Meditation Techniques For Beginners

The popularity of meditation , particularly mindfulness meditation, has exploded in recent years. Even in theta meditation, in order to utilize the full potentials of the power hidden within you, you must elect a comfy posture to sink into a focused stage of mind. These 5 factors of focus may not be all that you need to achieve all your goals in meditation and concentration, but they are more than enough to get started.

One of the most recognised approaches is by Breathworks, a reputable organisation who offer a 12-week mindfulness course nationwide. Now you're prepped and ready to take on that first 10 minute meditation, no matter where you are sitting (or standing!). I carry a Moleskine book I call my "book of mindfulness", which has various verses and phrases meant to help instill greater awareness in me throughout my day.

To reap the rewards of meditation, it's important to follow one simple guideline: Focus your attention. I've been meditating for 3-4 years for 30 minutes a day, and my mind still wanders sometimes. Become aware of your breathing in much the same way as you would for the breathing meditation process.

A regular practice is the most effective, but what does truly matter is that you pick up where you left off and give yourself that 10 or 15 minutes — or whatever duration you choose — to look after the health of your mind. The easiest way to calm your mind during those initial moments of your practice is to pay attention to your breathing.

After all, sitting still is tough when you've got a million things racing through your mind or a ten-mile-long to-do list on your phone. With the high amount of stimuli you can't help but be fully present for what's going on around you, and this helps you develop your mindfulness and gives you a reference point for when you practice during your everyday life.

It's a lot easier to start a subliminal meditation practice when you realize why you're doing it. And there's a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that says You become what you think about all day long.” So keep in mind the benefits that you hope to gain, or the relationships that you hope to improve.

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